Call for participation 2012

Participation in the Festival against Racism

August 17-19 2012, Blücherplatz, Berlin-Kreuzberg

The coalition organizing the “Festival against Racism” is made up of groups and individuals who would like to create a nation-wide counterpublic against racist discrimination and exclusion. We want to create a just society .

Even after the serial murders of the “National Socialist Underground” (NSU) there has been no honest discussion about racism in the public realm. It is also important to note that social inequality is increasing within the context of the worldwide economic crisis. The crisis is changing the various forms of racism in Germany and makes them worse. People struggle day in and day out against racism: in state institutions, in the media, in academia, in the housing and job markets, in the educational system as well as in the fields of arts and culture.

For these reasons the “Festival against Racism” has been conceived of as a nation-wide platform in order to draw attention to the various forms of racism and to discuss what we can do about it. All are invited to create this cultural and political space together; we want to meet and educate each other, have discussions, empower ourselves, make music, have fun and a lot more, old and young alike. All those interested are invited to participate directly and actively and to think seriously about what a just society would look like.

We would like to call all those interested to participate. At the first “Festival against Racism,” which we hope will be an annual event, our motto will be networking. How can we better network among ourselves? What have been our experiences until now? What are the difficulties, contradictions and political claims? How do we develop a common politics that works to counter social inequality in Germany? And how can we make ourselves stronger, better organize ourselves and develop solidarity?

Bisherige Unterstützer_innen des Festivals: Allmende e.V. – Haus alternativer Migrationspolitik und Kultur • Gays & Lesbians aus der Türkei/ Türkiyeli Escinseller Dernegi (GLADT e.V.) • Kurdistan Kultur- und Hilfsverein (KKH e.V.) • Migrationsrat Berlin Brandenburg (MRBB) • Reclaim Society • ReachOut – Opferberatung und Bildung gegen Rechtsextremismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus • Kampagne für Opfer rassistischer Polizeigewalt (KOP) • Afrique-europe interact • Amaro Foro • Movement in Motion •  Flüchtlingsinitiative Berlin Brandenburg (FIBB e.V.) • Initiative Grenzen-Los! • Street Roots • Der kurdische Elternverein (YEKMAL) • Gruppe Soziale Kämpfe (GSK) • Antirassistische Initiative (ARI) • Autonome Antifa Neukölln (AAN) • Berliner VVN-BdA e.V. • VIA-Regionalverband Berlin/Brandenburg e.V. • Bündnis gegen Rassismus • Bündnis „Zusammen handeln“ gegen rassistische Hetze und soziale Ausgrenzung!“ • Bündnis gegen Lager •  Bündnis gegen das Schweigen

Call for Participation

We would like to ask that you make a binding reservation before the 17th of July 2012 by sending an email. You will find our email address and the necessary information regarding your participation below. How you would like to participate with your work or perspectives in is up to you.

The network has very limited financial resources. However, if financial concerns are preventing or limiting your participation, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Please send an email with your ideas and a description of how you would like to participate with the following information:

I/We (Name/Group/etc) …………………………………………

want on the following dates  ………………………… from ……. to ……. (time)

….. offer a Workshop or event

….. theatre performance

….. a reading

….. a performance

….. show a film

….. organize an exhibit

….. other …………………………………..

Topic …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Target audience/group…………………………………………………………………………………………………

….. rent an information stand

….. rent a food stand

For this we need the following equipment/support services: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

My/our contact information is: ………………………………………………….…………….

Contact address: festivalgegenrassismus (at)